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Current Local Time in Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait is 01:21:42

AST-Arabia Standard Time UTC+03:00 hours

Tuesday, Apr 01 2025, week - 14, 91st day of year, Daylight saving is not followed

AST timezone converter

Weather:72.79°F/22.66°C/295.81K Overcast clouds

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Kuwait City Weather

Current Temperature in Kuwait City72.79°F/22.66°C/295.81K
Feels like72.45°F/22.47°C/295.62K
Kuwait City Humidity Percentage57%
Atmospheric Pressure in Kuwait City1011 hPa
Wind Speed in Kuwait City4.01 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Kuwait City162 Degrees

Kuwait City Time Zone

Kuwait City Time ZoneArabia Standard Time
Time Zone AbbreviationAST
UTC Offset for Arabia Standard Time3 Hours
Is AST a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Kuwait City 2025-04-01 01:21:42

Daylight Saving Time in Kuwait City

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Kuwait City?No
Kuwait City Summer Time ZoneNo DST
Kuwait City Winter Time ZoneAST
Daylight Time Start DateDST Not followed
Daylight Time End DateDST Not followed
UTC Offset for DST4 Hours
UTC Offset during winter3 Hours

Twilights in Kuwait City today

Civil Twilight Start Time
Civil Twilight End Time
Nautical Twilight Start Time
Nautical Twilight End Time
Astronomical Twilight Start Time
Astronomical Twilight End Time

Kuwait City: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Kuwait City
Sunset Time in Kuwait City
Noon Time in Kuwait City
Duration of the daytime today in Kuwait City0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Prepare failed

Kuwait City: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Kuwait City
Moonset Time Today in Kuwait City

Kuwait City: Moon Phases

New moon day
Full moon day
First Quarter of Moon
Last Quarter of Moon

Calendar Today

Day of the weekTuesday
Month of the yearApril
Number of days in this month30
Day of the year90
Week of the year14
Number of Seconds from Epoch1743459702 Seconds

About Kuwait City

Name of the CityKuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Kuwait City, Ad Dasmah, Ash Shāmīyah, Ḩawallī, Ar Rābiyah, Bayān, As Sālimīyah, Al Farwānīyah, Janūb as Surrah, Ar Rumaythīyah, Salwá, Şabāḩ as Sālim, Al Funayţīs, Mubārak al Kabīr, Al Finţās, Ar Riqqah, Al Mahbūlah, Az Zawr, Al Jahrā’, Al Manqaf
Two Letter Country code of Kuwait (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)KW
Three letter Country code of Kuwait (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)KWT
Kuwait City Latitude29.3697200
Kuwait City Longitude
Kuwait City Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Kuwait City in Vernacular LanguagesAl Kuwait,Al Kuwayt,Al-Kuwait,Ciudad de Kuwait,KWI,Koeweit,Kota Kuwait,Kovey it,Koweit,Koweït,Kuvaeyt,Kuvajt,Kuvajto,Kuvajturbo,Kuveitas,Kuvejt,Kuväyt, Kuwait,Kuwait City,Kuwait Stad,Kuwait by,Kuwait-Stadt,Kuwait-Urbo,Kuwayt,Kuw eit,Kuwejt,Madinat al Kuwayt,Madinat al-Kuwait,Madīnat al Kuwayt,Pole tou K oubeit,aalkuayt,ke wei te shi,khuwet si ti,kuu~eto shi,kuweiteu,kwwyt syty,m dynt alkwyt,Πόλη του Κουβέιτ,Кувейт,כווית סיטי, اَلْكُوَيْت,مدينة الكويت,คูเวตซิตี, ウェート市,科威特市,쿠웨이트
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